Category Archives: VBS Scripts

Hyper-V virtual machine backup script…

Today my friend Marko Cepe sent me his VBS script that does great job to backup virtual machines that are running on Hyper-V.
This script does shut down virtual machine by sending shut down command to machine using integration services, then it waits virtual machine to enter stopped state, after that it does export of the machine and turns the machine back on.


C:SKRIPTE> ExportVM.vbs VMName ExportDirectory


C:SKRIPTE> ExportVM.vbs TestVM X:BackupTestVM

Click, download and enjoy the script.

Comments appreciated…

Kako mapirati mrežne pogone z uporabo VBS skript? / How to map network drives using VBS scipt?

Na spodnjem naslovu lahko poberete dva primera skript za mapiranje pogonov. Prva enostavno mapira tri omrežne pogone, druga pa tudi spremeni imena pogonom.
The following two links consist of two VBS scripts that allow you to map network drives. First one just maps the drives. The second scripts allow you to change/rename the drive name.
