Monthly Archives: October 2008

Hyper-V in Hyper-V?!? :)

For testing and presentation puropuses I have installed inside my full Windows server 2008 64 BIT installation with Hyper-V another standalone Microsoft Hyper-V Server 2008 – everything works – you can even manage it using Hyper-V manager from other server but you can not (obviously! :)) run virtual machines. You get an error saying unable to create partition. You should be a wirdo to even think about souch stuff but I had a chance and I just could not resist pressing the START button. 🙂 So you know now… Hyper-V inside Hyper-V does not work! 🙂

Hyper-V disaster recovery – virtual machine import even if not exported

First of all I would like to thank Dusan Kosaric to keep my moral up during this operation and for his help when I was trying to restore my virtual machine …  

I was very sad when I was not able to make it work… You know something happened to my Hyper-V server and needed to reinstall it. I made a clean installation and after it was set up I tried to import / run existing virtual machine back in… But then I read the articles about import and export of virtual machines… And I already saw myself reinstalling my virtual machine again. 😦 But NO! You can put it back to life folowing this steps:

Let’s assume that:

I have a VM folder located on D: so D:VM and in it my virtual machine called machine01 with vhd called machine01.vhd (I had also a snapshot but it was lost during this procedure becouse I did not copied it… So I did not tested if it also restore snapshots… I only wanted my machine back to work…).

When you establish Hyper-V system again rename your current machine folder to let say machine01old – after that create a new virtual machine with the same hardware configuration as it was the machine before (and also with same location so d:vmmachine01). When machine is created use Export to export it (not only configuration files but everything). It will create let say d:Export and in this folder there will be three other folders.  Move or copy your original VHD to the location in ExportVirtual harddisk and you are ready… Your machine will start without problems.

 As I said this test was made a hour ago and I lost my snapshots but I did not care to restore them I just wanted my virtual machine to get back to life…

So as a conclusion… Hyper-V can be restored even if you are a bad administrator 🙂 like I was in this case. 🙂

Hyper-V Server and FreeBSD hand in hand… :)

Finaly we have a true solution for FreeBSD hanging when you want to reboot or stop it in Hyper-V server…
Today I recieved a comment on my article FreeBSD in Hyper-V – WORKS!!!. You can now patch FreeBSD kernel to shut down correctly…

 Check this blog too:

Aoyama Says:

I made an easy patch for the kernel.
As a result, a virtual machine comes never to stop.
I expect someone to make the patch by a smarter method.

My patch can be downloaded from the following blogs.

This patched kernel confirmed the operation with
Server 2008 Enterprise w/Hyper-V and Hyper-V Server.

Microsoft Hyper-V Server 2008 basic configuration

In this photo-slide-show you can see some basic configuration of Hyper-V server. In the last picture there is shown a remote connection with Hyper-V management tool from one of my servers to Hyper-V server. 

First of all you will see that Hyper-V server is very similar to Core version of Windows server 2008. To help you with basic configuration Hyper-V server does include somekind of “menu” to do some basic tasks.

🙂 First problem that I see here is… What happens if I close this menu? How I get to it once again? Well… I did not find the answer on the internet as Hyper-V server is just to “fresh”. But I searched the registry and I found where this menu is located:


So if you accidentally close the menu you can find and run it from this location.

Next is… Microsoft Hyper-V Server 2008 needs to be managed from other machine with Hyper-V tools installed. But out-of-the-box Hyper-V Server has firewall enabled. Now you have two options. Or to disable firewall or to add ports to remotely manage Hyper-V service using Hyper-V tools (you can manage Hyper-V server from another Windows server 2008 with Hyper-V tools (even on 32-bit edition) or from Windows Vista workstation with Hyper-V tools installed).

To open firwall to allow remote management of HyperV service type folowing line in your Hyper-V Server command prompt:

netsh firewall set portopening ALL 137 “Hyper-V Management”

This allows remote connections from other machines using Hyper-V Manager.

I also like to be able to copy ISO images to Hyper-V server and for this reason you need to open another two ports or enable sharing. I did it in this way:

netsh firewall set portopening ALL 139 “Sharing 01”

netsh firewall set portopening ALL 445 “Sharing 02”

This two ports allow SMB over TCP you can read more on this on:’s_port_445_in_w2k_xp_2003.htm

Installing Microsoft Hyper-V Server 2008

Here you can get a step-by-step install of Hyper-V server 2008

In this first post we only install our Hyper-V server 2008 in next post you can see some basic configuration you should do after installation.

In this article I assume that you have already enabled virtualization on your hardware. I used HP ML 380 as a server for this demo and in my previous Hyper-V articles you can see how hardware virtualization (do not forget to completly TURN FF your server after enabling virtualization – reboot is not enough!!!) is enabled on this kind of server.

 I believe in Hyper-V! 🙂

Microsoft Hyper-V server 2008 is here!!!

I welcome you to join virtualisation experience with this fantastic product… At the moment of writing I am testing Microsoft Hyper-V server 2008 and it works great… In next days I will post some screenshots on how to install, configure and manage Microsoft Hyper-V server 2008…