Category Archives: BAT Scripts

Microsoft SMTP limanica / Microsoft SMTP Tarpit

Z orodjem, ki ga lahko poberete na spodnji povezavi (.reg in .bat datoteki) lahko enostavno aktivirate 10 sekundno limanico na vašem SMTP servisu (deluje tudi z Exchange 2003). Z upočasnitvijo SMTP komunikacije pripomorete k zmanjšanju SPAM-a v vaših e-poštnih nabiralnikih. / With the tool that you can download (.reg and .bat files) you can very quickly enable 10 seconds tarpit of your SMTP servis (it works also on Exchange 2003). With reduction of SMTP coversation speed you get less SPAM in your mailboxes.

Microsoft SMTP
Microsoft SMTP – v primeru, da ste imeli kakšno težavo s 10 sekundnim zamikom je tu na voljo še reg datoteka s 5 sekundnim zamikom. / if you encountered any problems with 10 sec. tarpit you can try with this registry file with 5 sec. delay.

SMTP tarpit, SMTP tarpitting, Exchange 2003 tarpitting, Exchange 2003 tarpit, SMTP delay


Windows Sharepoint services z dodatnimi ikonami za datoteke z NE-Office končnicami. / Windows Sharepoint services with additional icons for NON-Office files extensions.

Večkrat so me uporabniki Sharepoint services vprašali zakaj Sharepoint ne zna prikazati določenih ikon “znanih” datotek. Spodaj si lahko poberete zip datoteko z ikonami, XML konfiguracijsko datoteko ter .BAT(ch) datoteko, ki vam vse avtomatsko instalira/integrira. Odslej boste v svojem sharepointu lahko imeli “lepe” ikone za PDF, Excel webquery file, ZIP, RAR ter DWG. / More than one I have been asked how to add or maybe why Sharepoint does not support some known file extensions icons. So I created a zip file with icons, XML configuration file and .BAT(ch) procedure for automatic install/integration of this new icons to your Sharepoint.

Povezave / links:

Current version 1.0 supports // PDF, DWG, ZIP, RAR, IQY (Excell webquery file) //
Sharepoint icons

Kako izbrisati podmape in datoteke določene mape brez izbrisa nje same? / How to remove subfolders and files without removing parent folder?

Na razpolago sta vam dve datoteki / I made it using two files:
remove.bat – v kateri kličemo skripto subfoldersandfilesremover.bat ter mapo katere vsebino želimo izbrisati. / – the script which calls the other script called subfoldersandfilesremover.bat and the folder that should be emptied.

ter / and

subfoldersandfilesremover.bat – skripta, ki dejansko zbriše podmape in datoteke / script that actually remove subfolders and files.
