Tag Archives: RequestStateChange

Manage Hyper-V Virtual machines using WMI and VBS scripts

Today I was working on how to manage Hyper-V virtual machines using WMI.
This VBS scripts can be modified to suit your needs…
Each script takes one argument “machine name”:

listvm.vbs – display all virtual machines on Hyper-V – this script will create a TXT file (you should edit path and filename inside the script) with all virtual machines that are on Hyper-V host. It will print names of the machines and current state (Running, Off, Saved)

sortvm.vbs – this script alphabeticaly sorts list of virtual machines (you should edit path and filename inside the script)

startvm.vbs – usage: startvm.vbs “Name of your virtual machine” – this script will start the virtual machine

stopvm.vbs – usage: stopvm.vbs “Name of your virtual machine” – this script will turn of (dirty!) your virtual machine

shutdownvm.vbs – usage: shutdownvm.vbs “Name of your virtual machine” – this script will shut down your virtual machine if it is Integration Services aware – it will signal/notify guest operating system to initialize shutdown procedure. It works only on machines that support Hyper-V Integration services.

hardresetvm.vbs – usage: hardresertvm.vbs “Name of your virtual machine” – this script will reset (dirty!) your virtual machine

savestatevm.vbs – usage: savestatevm.vbs “Name of your virtual machine” – this script will save and turn off your virtual machine

I have compiled this scripts using resources regarding Hyper-V and WMI

Enjoy, WMI power!